In this photo, I had to get up close to Lego characters and take macro photos of their actions. I had to make sure it was as if the Lego had been in the real world. Like my previous Macro Photos project, we had to take macro photos of the Legos and their actions. The most challenging part of this project would be positioning the Legos into certain actions, as they can’t stand still easily and aren’t flexible. If I had the ability to take more photos in different locations, I would take more photos outdoors with various actions and characters. Maybe even some funny and weird photos.
Getting Close
This project was to take a photo of an object or person close up. The project was to make the picture look as if it was photoshoped when it really wasn’t. In this project I found it easiest to take pictures of plants as they didn’t move and you could get multiple other objects in the background. The only thing that I found hard was when I was too close to an object and my camera wouldn’t focus. If I had the time, I would take a picture of an ant, which I tried to do, but couldn’t find one big enough.
Macro Photos
In this assignment, I had to get all close and personal to the objects I was taking photos of. I had to try my best to have it as clear as possible, as well as close up. One thing that worked out for me was the amount of objects I had the ability to take photos of. However, there was a hard part, and that was getting the camera to focus on the main object. I used an app called VSCO, which was new to my camera-taking experience. If I had the patience and correct stuff to take a good, closeup image of something, I would possibly attempt to do a bundle of raindrops on a single leaf. To view more of my macro photos, click here!
Action Photos
This project was different from the other ones as instead of taking a picture of a still object, I took a picture of things in motion. To capture these fast moving pictures I used the burst mode on my phone. To take action photos you need to find a photo of an object in motion, where you can’t recreate it in a pose. If I could choose a subject to take a picture of it would be swimming because that is a big part of my life and I do it every day.
Action Photos
In this project, it was my duty to capture motion in a photo. For example, if someone were to be jumping, I’d have to capture them in mid-air as they go up or come down. While my phone doesn’t have specific settings to help capture the action photos, I did use the burst mode. The burst function captures a bundle of photos, compresses it into 1, and you can choose which photo(s) to keep. One tip that I have for anyone who would like to try out this project is to make sure it isn’t staged, so that it isn’t someone faking a run or doing a pose. Make sure the motion is actually happening and it will capture the motion as is. One sport that would be really good to include for this project could be soccer. From heading a soccer ball, kicking it, and punting it, this sport can demonstrate many different forms of motion. To view more photos of this project, go to this link!
Framing Your Subject
In this project I used buildings and objects around the school grounds to frame my subject. This project was like the Rule of Thirds because I had to move my subject to make him the main focus of the picture. My favorite picture was the one shown right below. I think that the bushes created the perfect frame and created a good frame that surrounded my subject. The red bricks also created a very good background covering the whole picture. There was really nothing in this project I found too hard because all I had to basically do was find a frame, and put someone in the middle of it.
Rule of Thirds
During this project, I found that it was easier to take pictures inside than outside because outside there were more shadows getting in the way of the picture, but I made it work well enough. Since I’m making this post late, I can say that in the next project, the framing project, I mixed framing with the rule of thirds to get a good quality photos. I did this project kind of minimally as I thought the project was straight forward and easy but it was very technical and I could have incorporated different techniques like lightning and shadows into the picture.
This project was pretty simple, in my opinion. My objective was to find objects to frame the border of the photo, but still have the main object visible. In the photo I provided, the railing of the stairs frames the photo, and still gives me a clear view of my friend Ela. This project is much different from my Rule of Thirds project. The Rule of Thirds project was based off of getting things to either take up one-third or two-thirds of the photo using the grid lines. This project didn’t use the grid lines, but they still could have been useful. This photo I attached is my favorite, mainly because it catches the details of the railing and my friend. The railing is in the perfect position, and so is Ela, so it was a clear shot. One major challenge I had faced within this project had to of had been making sure the photo actually had a frame, and that it wasn’t just something on two sides. To view more framed photos, visit this link. I have cropped a few so that other objects do not intercept with them.
Rule of Thirds
This project had many pros and cons within it. One thing that I would say that didn’t work out so well would have been the weather outside. Well, not really the weather, but the wind. It made it much more difficult to take photos. But, I’d say the lighting and the positioning of the objects and the photos worked out perfectly. At the beginning of this project, I thought that the Rule of Thirds was a bit confusing and difficult. But then, I figured everything out and it became easier for me to take photos for this project. For the Rule of Thirds project to even work, I had to activate a grid onto my camera. This helps position the main focus of the photo. The horizontal and vertical lines also turn the photo into thirds, so you can make your photo proportional. To view more photos of this project, click here!