Last project

I had a really good experience in photography this semester. When I first joined photography, I thought it would be just taking pictures and not actually working and editing on the computer. Now I know how to take pictures with a real camera and I know a lot more about camera angles. My favorite project was the crayon one because it was fun to find backgrounds/ objects to take pictures of. Photography doesn’t interest me as a career but it’s a fun thing to do. If photography is available in high school I might take it because I like taking pictures.

Up close

For this project we had to take ten pictures of only a small part of an object an make sure that it is in focus. When I took a picture, zooming in to the object worked well because it was easier than going closer to take the picture. I learned that zooming in to an object worked better and made it look like the photo was in portrait mode because it blurred the background. It was difficult to take pictures of alive things because they move a lot. If I had the time I would take an up close picture of Niagara Falls. Click here for the rest of my photos.

Set in The Street

For this project I had to take pictures at a “dinner table” that told a story. This project was inspired by Justin Bettman who had sets of places in his studio and he would photograph them. this project was also inspired by Carrie Mae. She took pictures in her home at her kitchen table and the picture told her “story”. I edited my photos using the cropping tool, the b &w tool, and the selecting tool. For the selecting tool, I had to go to inverse,feather, and 200 to get a shadow over the lamp. If I took pictures in my house I would take them in the kitchen. A lot of stuff happens in the kitchen like homework, eating, cooking, etc. It would be cool to have a real shadow instead of photo shopping one in.

Catch The Motion

For this project I had to take pictures of someone in action. I had to redo my pictures several times because the pictures looked bad. I toke some pictures with bursts on my phone to make it easier.  I recommend taking a burst if you want to get good action pictures because its easier to select a few good ones than keep taking the picture over and over again until you get a good one. I would photograph soccer if I could because it would look good to get a picture of someone kicking/shooting a ball. Click here for the rest of my pics.


  1. First of all, I’m very thankful for my family. My parents are super supportive and always there for me. My sister is my best friend and I know I can count on her to make me laugh or cheer me up. My step brother and sister are super nice and i can always have a good laugh with them. My niece is the cutest baby I have ever met and her smile lights up a room. My grandparents are very admirable and are also very supportive. Last but not least, my aunts, uncles, cousins are awesome and I love visiting them!

       2. I’m really thankful for all of my amazing school friends. My closest friends are Sammy, Paige, Madison, Josie, and Mandy. They make school so much more fun and we have so many memories that I’ll remember. They can make me laugh anytime by just saying one word and are fun to be around. 

3. I’m so thankful for my dog Romeo. He is the best snuggle buddy and really well behaved. Even though he can be a brat, I’m super thankful for him. He’s also a really good listener and better than therapy.

4. I’m thankful for soccer. I am very grateful that I am able to play and i don’t have any injuries. I’m also thankful for my team and all the amazing friends I have made through playing soccer.

5. I’m thankful for calligraphy. I’ve been doing it for a year and it’s a really fun hobby that I do in my free time. I’ve done jobs writing in calligraphy and it has brought me closer to my friends who also do calligraphy.

6. I’m thankful for my best friend Bella. I can tell her anything and I know I can trust her. She’s always there for me and we have way too many memories and inside jokes to count. I don’t know what I’d do without her!

7.  I’m thankful for my other best friend Sammy. I love her so much and we have gotten so close over the past two years. I can count on her for anything whether it be ranting to her 

Smile Project

For this project I had to ask strangers if I could take pictures of them and in one photo they would smile, and in the other they wouldn’t. I noticed that when people aren’t smiling they look a little intimidating.  When they do their tone softens and they are more approachable. that you cant judge a person by how they look.It was difficult to get good  backgrounds for my pictures since most pictures were taken in the school halls. My perspective of the people I photographed changed when they smiled because my first impression of them disappeared. Bias can affect your job as a photographer because if you know the person you won’t judge them based on how they look and take different shots and angles.                        click here for my pictures

Rule of Thirds

 For this project we I took pictures using a grid on my phone to get the rule of thirds lines. worked to take the picture from the side, not vertically. At first I thought it would be easy to take these photos, but now I realize that it’s hard to get the right angle and make sure the pictures is rule of thirds. The lines were a grid on my phone that divided the photo into thirds.
Here are the rest of my posts

Light Graffiti

For this project, we had to make sure we were in a dark setting, and take pictures using flashlights/glow sticks etc. We had to draw something with the light and the person taking the picture had to leave the shutter speed on until the person was done drawing. I tried to use regular glow sticks, but that didn’t work, so I looked up bright color backgrounds and it worked. I used a rainbow background on my phone for the picture above.  It was frustrating at first because we had a certain amount of time to take the picture, but then we learned that we could turn on a bulb setting and control then amount of time the shutter speed is open. We could take this project to the next level by using colorful flashlights and drawing more detailed pictures.  Click Here for the rest of my pictures.

Black Background Portrait

For this project I had to take pictures of people with a black background. We had to hold lights adjust the shutter speed, etc. After my group took photos I had to edit all the pictures we took in adobe photo shop. The pictures worked (turned out well) if you held the lights on the model, but if you held the lights behind/ in front of the model, the background doesn’t look infinite in pictures. Here are the rest of my pictures.

Portrait White Background

For this project I had to take pictures of people in my group with a real camera. We used a white background and we couldn’t have any shadows so we used lights behind the model. My group had to adjust the ISO and shutter speed to get a better picture. After we took the photos I edited them on adobe photo shop by brightening the background or making the photos black and white. Here are the rest of my photos