In this assignment, we had to get close to the object we were photographing and take their picture. I tried to use objects that didn’t show my phone’s shadow. I sometimes struggled in finding them, though. If I had the time, equipment, and ability, I would like to take close-up pictures of flowers.
In this project, we experimented with taking action pictures in different formats. For example, the photo shown below is a stacked photo, while the rest of mine in my google drive are single photos. In order to take a stacked photo, I took bursts to fully capture the individual actions that have to occur for the bigger action to take place. While taking action photos, it is very important that you know exactly what you want in your pictures. I think dance would be a great sport to photograph.
In this project, we had to take pictures of people with a natural “frame” (like a picture frame) surrounding them. This project was similar to the Rule of Thirds in the sense that both required you to focus on your subject while taking the picture. This composition was sometimes hard, as there aren’t a lot of natural frames in the school.
In order to successfully follow the rule of thirds, I turned the grid on on my phone. When I took pictures without the grid, they often didn’t follow the rule. I feel pretty neutral on the rule of thirds. It generally seems like a good thing, but other times it seems too restricting. I used the grid lines to make sure that my picture had flow.
Similar to the white portraits, I had to change the camera settings and the lighting a lot. The high ISO didn’t work this time. However, the low one did.
While taking these photos, I had to edit the settings. I also had to play around with manual lighting. When the ISO was really low, the photos didn’t turn out. However, when I increased the ISO, the pictures looked a lot better.
In this assignment, we had to take 5 pictures of 3 objects, each at a different angle. A challenge during this project was finding things to photograph. Sophia was the hardest thing to photograph because her pose and background had to be heavily discussed. This project helped me explore taking pictures from angles I haven’t before.
For this assignment, we had to photograph 24 different crayons and match them to objects. It was hard to match the crayons and to get them positioned properly. However, I found actually taking the photos somewhat easy.
I typically get photos that I need for school from Google. I never contact the owner of the photo, though I sometimes give credit in the form of citations. However, if someone were to use my photos for a project, I would probably expect some sort of credit. For my logo, I just played around in Adobe Fireworks with my first/last initial (F), trying to see if I could make it into something that slightly resembled a logo. It was very easy for me to finish once I started, but it was hard at first coming up with an idea.
I loved doing photography this semester because it is a type of art that I have not ever really tried doing until now, and I realized it was really fun! The projects that we did were really fun, and at the same time educational, because we learned about the rule of thirds, up close photography, how to make it black and white, how to change the contrast, and how to get different angles. My thoughts have changed on photography, because before, I thought it was boring to take pictures since I didn’t know different techniques on how to take them, but now it’s almost impossible not to think of one!
My favorite project from this semester was the Light Graffiti project. I loved this project because it was really cool how we turned the lights off and drew in the air with flashlights/colorful lights. My group made really cool angel wings and a halo on someone that was standing in front of the camera. We also wrote out the letter of LPMS in different colors, and in my opinion it came out really well.
When I grow up, I want to be a Wildlife Veterinarian Rehabilitator, but being photographer and taking pictures of animals in the wild doesn’t sound bad at all. I will definitely continue to learn photography and I will definitely take it next year in high school because this semester was really really fun, and I am going to miss having this class so much! Thank you Mr. Fitz!