Getting Close

For this assignment I had to get extremely close to any object of my choice. What I tried for this project was putting the camera lens up close to the object and just taking a picture. A challenge was keeping the camera focused for all of the photos. If I could take a close up picture of anything it would be a butterfly. Because I could get some cool photos of there wings. The rest of my photos are here

Framing Your Subject

For this project I went outside and inside to find frames could be a door way staircase, or some tree branches. I had to try to find places that have some sort of a frame in it and put my subject or object in the middle of it. This project was much harder compared to the Rule of Thirds project because it was harder to find areas around the school that I could take pictures of and I had to be more creative in this project to find the right frames for my subject. A reason why this photo was my favorite because I used the windows shadow to create the frame for Joann and turned out to look really cool. All of my photos are here

Rule of Thirds

For this project, I had to use the rule of thirds using grids on the camera. What worked for this project was using other objects in the background to make sure that the main subject was in the rule of thirds. What didn’t work was just taking a picture without using grids on the camera. Before I did this project I thought this was going to be the easiest project yet but this project was hard but helpful. The grids were really helpful for this project because they helped to frame my subject on one side of the thirds in each photo. The rest of my photos are here

Portraits with an Infinite Background

For this project I had to take photos of my classmates behind a white and black background. After I took my white photos I had to edit them in Photoshop to make them black & white and for my black photos I had to use the brightness and contrast settings to adjust the brightness in the pictures. What worked for this project was editing all of the photos. What didn’t really work for this project was finding the right lighting for everyone. It was difficult to not have anyone’s shadow behind them as we took the picture. The rest of my photos are here

1 Object, 5 Shots

For this assignment, I had to pick 3 objects and 1 person and take 5 photos without moving the object. For each photo had to be taken in a different camera angle. A challenge in this project was making sure that the camera was focusing on the right part of the object and finding the right angle. The hardest object was the shoe because the camera wouldn’t want to focus on the shoe. The project helped me become more creative with my camera angles and helped me see different objects from a different angle. Click here to look at the rest of my photos.

My Logo

This is my logo I am using for my pictures. I put a camera before my initials for it to be a simplistic logo. It was easy to find the camera picture that I wanted but it was difficult to find the font that I was satisfied with.

24 Colors

In this project I had to use a 24 pack of crayons to take pictures. I needed to find backgrounds around my school in order to take pictures of the crayons. A challenge I faced is finding the right background for the right color and to not repeat similar backgrounds for similar colors. Something I found easy was finding the right angle for every picture.  Click Here to see all of my photos

For this photo I had to find an orange background to match the orange crayon.