Action Photo(s)

In this project, we had to basically do something that requires consistent movement, but show the entire action in one photo. One thing I did to capture this image to it’s full potential is make sure that my editing was neat and realistic. I needed to make sure that each shot came together smoothly and didn’t look “choppy”. One tip that I have for you guys if you want to take this type of picture, is to have patience. It’s sort of difficult to get the right/a good picture if you’re impatient. If I could take and action photo of one sport it would have to be track and field. Specifically hurdles. Click here to view the rest of my action photos.

Framing (r.o.t’s)

In this project, we had to take pictures while framing the main focus with objects in the environment. This project also includes the Rule of Thirds, because for you to get a good picture where the focus is obvious, you must use the Rule of Thirds. This picture is my favorite because it has my BEST FRIEND in it, and the lighting in this picture is very good, and I like how we used the bike rack as the frame. One challenge i faced when doing this was trying to find good objects to use as the frame because they were either too small, or too big, or just awkward looking in the photo. We had limited options. Click here to view the rest of my photos.

Rule of Thirds

In this project, there were things that were hard, and things that were easy. One thing that worked was standing in the sunlight. It made the pictures more clear, and vibrant. One thing that was hard,and didn’t work was getting the camera to focus on a person or object that was far away from the camera. At the beginning, I thought that the Rule of Thirds was kind of stupid, and pointless, but as the project proceeded, I realized that the Rule of Thirds was very helpful to make all of your pictures look better, and more well put together. The lines we used to take pictures look like a grid of squares. We used them to line up the focus of the image along them so have an “even” picture. Click here to see the rest of my photos.

Portraits with an Infinite Background

During this project, I used photo shop to edit my photos, including this one of course. The process of taking my photos was about 3-4 days at the most, and it took a lot of patience because of the limited amount of cameras available. One thing that worked for the black background was having the light facing closer to the back wall of the person, so that you could have more of the “infinite background” effect. One thing that didn’t work for the light background was when the light was too close to the right or the left of the wall, because you would be creating a shadow that you didn’t want. Click here to see the rest of my photos.

Five Shots

In this assignment, I had to find at least three different objects (including people) and take five pictures of them in five completely different angles. I believe that one genuine challenge in this project would be when I had to stop myself from being repetitive. For example, when I took a picture of the wet floor sign above, I would make the mistake where I would take the picture of the front angle of the sign, but then follow up by simply walking to the back of the sign and taking the picture in the same angle, just a different spot. I believe the object hardest object to photograph was the fork, because it’s hard to get certain angles when the object is a nearly flat object. This project helped me to get better at knowing what angles work for what object. For example, while I was getting pictures taken of me and taking pictures of others, I realized that the lower angles look kind of funny, and don’t really look that great with actual people. Click here to see the rest of my photos.

24 Colors

One of our library’s Black Eyed Susan book , with the red crayon.

During this project, I went through a lot of trials and tribulations. Some of the challenges I experienced were finding a matching background for my crayons, and getting my camera to focus on really bland areas. Another challenge that I went through was trying to balance the crayons so you can see their labels. On the other hand, I also experienced a lot of easy moments. For example, one easy thing was when we had to actually take the pictures. Therefore, this was a good beginning project, and it was a good way to transition us into the rest of the semester. I learned that taking pictures is not as easy as photographers make it look. The picture I put above is my personal favorite out of all of my other pictures, which you can view by clicking here.