In this project, we needed to take pictures of something or someone in action. To help capture the images I set the camera Drive Mode to Continuous Shooting. A tip I would recommend anyone taking action photos is to try your best not to move the camera. If I could I would photograph skateboarding because you can get some really cool pictures. Below is one of the photos I took and a stacked one. Click here to see the rest of my photos.
Framing Your Subject
In this project, we needed to find things indoor or outdoor that could frame your subject. In the project of Rule of Thirds, we had to use grid lines that were given to place your subject. In this project, we had to go out and find the frames. A challenge of using this type of composition is finding a “frame” that is big enough to fit the entire subject. The picture below is my favorite picture because I like the way the bike rack framed Aslyn. As well as the way the sunlight put together the entire picture. Click here to view the rest of the photos.
Rule of thirds
Rule of Thirds is when you place everything in a photo on “lines” that help the viewer go from one part of the picture to the other. The “lines” are a group of lines on a camera that divides the image into nine even pieces. What worked was placing the subject wear the lines on the sides meet. What didn’t work was placing the subject directly in the center of the photo. At the beginning of the project, I thought this project would be really easy but then I realized I always center the subject of my photos. Below I put my favorite photo with a person and my favorite without a person. Click here to view the rest.
Infinite background (Black)
During this project, the main goal was to take a picture and make the background look like it disappeared. We made the ISO lower to make the black background even darker. As well as a lamp that someone in each group would hold. A challenge during this project was making sure we had the correct ISO. The easier part of this project was to hold the lamp at the correct angle. Below is a picture of me and a picture I took. Click here to view the rest of the black background portraits.
Infinite Background(White)
During this project, the main goal was to take a picture and make the background look like it disappeared. We made the ISO higher to make the white background even brighter. As well as a lamp that someone in each group would hold. A challenge during this project was making sure we had the correct ISO. The easier part of this project was to hold the lamp at the correct angle. Below is a picture of me and a picture I took. Click here to view the rest of the white background portraits.
1 Object, 5 Shots
During this assignment, we had to pick 3 objects including 1 person. We needed to take pictures of the objects at 5 different angles. The most challenging part was finding an object that can be taken 5 different pictures of and still look good. The hardest object for me to photograph was the purple flower. It was hard for me to photograph because the flowers were only facing in one direction. Making it difficult to get a good looking picture. This project really helped me learn to take pictures at new and better angles. I inserted my favorite photo below. Click here to view the rest.
24 Colors
In this assignment I had a box of 24 crayons. I walked around the school looking for the best color matches for every crayon. The most challenging part of this assignment was finding exact color matches. The easier part of this assignment was finishing the pictures on time because we were provided enough time in class. My favorite picture is the one below. Click here to view the rest.
My Logo
When I need photos for class I usually go to google images or click and drag from a website. I have never contacted the owner of a image but I give credit when it’s required. If someone were to use my images I would like them to give me credit. I created this logo so that I can use it on dark and light colored photos. I also created it so that if someone were to view my photos they would know who took the picture because it clearly states my name. The easier side to creating my logo was choosing a font and text size. I made sure to choose a font that was simple and clear. The difficult part was choosing a picture of a camera that can go on dark and light pictures. After spending about 30 minutes going through google images I found this drawing of a bright pink camera. Perfect to use on all photos.
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