Close Up pics

Hello welcome this time we had to get close up pictures without zooming in and this was my favorite out of the 10. A lot of stuff outside for some reason worked better than inside. Not really issues it was just better to find interesting things that we could get close to outside. And there were no problems with the camera’s. a rare plant or something like that or a very vibrant thing just almost anything.

Here is the link

Black Backgrounds

The way we made these pictures was pretty complex with getting the black background not even visual and nothing being there. Things that worked a lot better like darker clothes instead of like blue and such. Anyways here are some pictures to see the rest click here

Framing Pictures

In this project we had to go out and find natural frames and use them in our pictures. The difference between this and rule of thirds is that it didn’t have to be on the side. The challenges is trying to find good unique frames. Down here is example and my favorite. I like it because there are not a lot of things with that color and it is pretty simple with just 2 lines and the object in the middle. This is the link to see my pictures

Click Here to see more photos

5 Shots

During this project we had to take different pictures of an object that stayed in the same spot but the camera moved. Finding interesting objects. The person trying to get angles for the picture. It helped me find a way to problem solve. Thank You For Checking Out My Images.

Click here to see my photos

24 Colors

We had to take pictures of crayons next to a matching color in our school. Finding matching colors for all crayons. Taking Pictures. The one with the blue sky. Thank you for looking at my new project:)

Click here for pictures


I take them or get them from the internet.No I just take it and credit them with their website or name.I would expect someone to give me credit for what I did because that just seems like the logical thing to do.My logo it is confusing I did not know what to do and did not just want to do a boring camera so I did a balloon because it was what I was thinking of at the moment along with a burrito.The thinking of what I was going to include in it.

Thanks for joining me