Rule of Thirds

First walking into this project I thought this would be the hardest project I’d ever have to do in Photography. Little did I know it was not hard at all. During this project I really liked how when somebody sees the picture there’s is this a person or an object that catches the attention of the viewer. My thoughts changed a lot from before and after doing this project, for example my perspective from taking pictures changed a lot. Instead of taking pictures from the standard spot ( in front of your chest). I’m going to start taking pictures from different angles to make the picture look cooler. To help me take the pictures and to make the project a little bit easier I used lines to help me.

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White Background

When making this project we had to take pictures on white background making the pictures look infinite. We used ISO so the light would be captured and the shadows wouldn’t show. If the ISO wouldn’t work then I would manipulate the picture using Photoshop. Using ISO really worked because it really captured the light and prevented it from making a shadow. I’m not sure if anything really did not work.

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Black Background

During this project we had to put the camera on manual mode and take pictures in ISO. What really worked was the outcome of the pictures, I really liked how the pictures looked. One setback on this project was the low amount of lighting from the outside lights.

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5 Shots

In this project us students had to take 5 pictures (each picture at a different angle) of 3 different objects. while taking these pictures the hardest part was being creative and thinking of different angles to take the picture. One of my objects was a microwave and one of the hardest things of taking its picture was thinking of different ideas to make the pictures interesting because the microwave was shaped as a square. Although the project had its challenging moments, the project taught me how to take more quality pictures and get different angles while taking my friends pictures.

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24 Colors

In this assignment I had to collect 24 crayons and take a picture of the crayon with the crayon’s color as a background. Since I had to take the pictures in the school the most difficult part was finding colors to match the crayon.The easiest part of this project was pulling the crayons out the box.

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