
This Project is about what makes a bad picture and what makes a good picture. So we took pictures of a bunch of different things and we took a bad picture and a good picture of those things. I dont think that a bad picture is completly bad cause you can always change it and make it better.


You can see my photos by clicking here.


This project is about people not smiling and smiling and how a smile can change how someone looks. Some people think that people who don’t smile are scary and mean. But that’s not true. So we went around taking pictures of people not smiling and smiling to see how a smile can change the way someone looks. As you can see in my slides the people who are not smiling look mean or upset, but then when you seem them smile it seems like they are a happy person. So me as a photographer i tried to get different types of people.  





Set In The Street

This is a picture if Mr.Lubin and his daughter int he set in the street.  They looked like they were at home and i thought it was a good time to take a picture of them. they were looking at the paper we had to work on during arts night. and he was showing her what to do.

Light Graiffiti

These are just some of the pictures that my group and i took. These are just some of my favorite pictures. The camera went smoothly with no mess ups. The people that were lighting everyone up messed up a couple times, they would either keep the light on to long, or turn the light off to early and the camera would say that the subject is to dark.

