In this project, we had to take photos of normal things, but we had to be much closer than normal. Most photos worked. For example, if you were kinda close to something that you wanted to take a photo of, you could zoom in on that object and then take a macro of it. This would make the photo less blurry when taking it. But most of mine and other challenges were that a lot of the photos were not clear and very blurry. If I could take a photo of anything, it would be some kind of creature, from a very close perspective. You can find the rest of my photo’s here.
7 days Project
Set in the Street
The set in the street photography project was inspired by Justin Bettman. The whole idea behind the In the Street project is taking pictures if everyday locations in your home that are out in cities or roads. But in 2018 the set was inspired by a photographer named Carrie Mae Weems. And, the kitchen set was also inspired by her. You can see the rest of my photos here.
Catch The Action
In this project, we were told to take photos of people or objects that looked like they were in motion. On my phone, I did not change any of the settings but I used the burst on my phone so I could take a bunch of photos at once. This made it so I could go back and look at 20 photos and pick out the best one. My tip is to do what I did. Just hold down the photo button on an iPhone and you can probably get a photo of someone or something in motion. But aim the camera at someone rolling or jumping and you can probably get it. I would want to get a photo of someone skiing down a massive hill. You can also find the rest of my photos here.
Smile Project
The most difficult part of this project was trying to find people that actually wanted there picture taken or that where fine with it. But from doing this project I noticed that people who looked frustrated we actually pretty nice when I took their photo. Being bias as a photographer could mean that if you needed to take photos of someone but you saw someone that looked mean are not very nice they could actually be nice. I would ask them if they were fine with me taking their photo and if they were fine with it I would take there photo. You can find all my pictures here.
Black Background
To make the image with a perfectly black background we had to have a big black piece of paper hung behind us. Then we would have a light on our face or body, but we had to make sure it wasn’t on the wall. If there was just light on your body or face it looked really good, but if it was on the black paper it didn’t look that good. Find my photos HERE.
Rule Of Third
For taking our pictures objects or people with nothing beside them seemed to work the best. But if there were other people or another object next to the main object you wouldn’t really know what to be looking at. At first, I thought that it sorted of stupid but know I find it sort of cool. The grid helped us with our photos because it made me sure that the image wasn’t in the middle or the top center. You can also find my photos here.
Light Graffitti
We had to use the cameras with settings that would leave the shutters open for 15 seconds or 30 seconds. Just making stick figures worked best. Same with trees or scenes. Losing one of our members and people getting their light glare on ours was pretty frustrating. Instead of only 15 seconds maybe more.
White Background
To start off the process first we had to change some settings on the camera by changing the light sensitivity. Having a light on the floor near us would give us the best pictures. But if you had a light at a angle that was above your head it gave you a shadow. Find my photos here.
I object 5 shots
In this project we had to take 5 pictures of an object. The biggest challenge in this problem was not moving when someone was taking a picture of me. There was no challenging object to take a picture of. The project helped me with taking different shots than just one. You can find my photos here.