This semester we learned many new things in photography, rule of thirds, action pictures, macro, etc, ! My thoughts about photography have changed completely. My favorite project was Macro. I loved taking pictures of things up close because things look completely different up close! Photography does not interest me as a career (I already have my heart set on being a vet, sorry) but I think it will be a very fun hobby! I want to keep learning photography in high school! Here are my pictures.
Set in the Street
“Set in the Street” is a photography project that is inspired by New York based photographer Justin Bettman. The idea behind “Set in the Street” is to create a photography set in a public space that doesn’t really have anything to do with the set that is being used for the project. In the fall of 2018 the set was inspired by the work of Carrie Mae Weems and her Kitchen Table Project. Some of the photo shop tools we used to edit it is; Black and white, Curves, Exposure, Vibrancy, Brightness and Contrast, and last but not least Hue and Saturation.
If I had to choose a place to describe my families life, it would be in karnataka, india because:
- Its never cold there
- Its where most of my family is, so they could come and help
- Its would be nice to see India again
We took our pictures in our school.
In this project we took pictures of object up close. We have to take the pictures in such a way that people cant recognize the object easily. I found taking pictures of animals easier than taking pictures of other objects. Some of the challenges of this project is finding an object to take pictures of and getting the camera to zoom into the object you want to take a picture of. If I had the equipment time and ability to get there, I would take an image of a tarantula. I’ve always wanted to see one in real life so it would be amazing to take a picture of it. I want to take a picture of its hair. My pictures are here.
Action Pics
For this project we need to take pictures of objects in motion. We also need to make sure it comes out good. The subject cant be blurry. Some tips to take AWESOME action pictures (Like mine) is to know what you are taking a picture of. If I could choose one sport to take pictures of, it would be football. The game is violent and never boring.
Haven’t finished all pics yet, I will update and add link when I do.
Then I Asked Them to Smile
The project is based on the work of Jay Weinstein, a photographer currently living in India. We have to create a collection of “smiles” from inside and outside our building. We have to incorporate all the skills we have learned from all our past projects in this class. We should use lighting, composition, and color to make our pictures look… AWESOME! We have to use 15 people and none of them can be of our classmates (In this class).Each person should have 2 pictures-one smiling and one not smiling I found asking complete strangers if I can take their picture difficult. They seem nice both ways. It can change the feeling of the picture. If you can take their picture?
Here are my pictures.
Dark Portraits
- Mr. Fitz brought in black backgrounds to take our pictures in front of. Once we took the pictures, Mr. Fitz uploaded them to our computers. Then we uploaded them to photo shop and edited them so that they would be black infinite backgrounds. Putting the lights on us and not the background helped us edit the pictures with less work. We had to retake some of the pictures because we had accidentally pointed the light at the camera. The rest of the pictures are here.
Below are some of the pictures I messed around with while working through this. I am still learning and want to continue to learn during this project. Be serious, be artsy, goof around, and just keep trying
Rule Of Thirds
There are 4 lines in total, 2 going vertically and 2 going horizontally. We had to make sure that the pictures had something on one of the crossings of the lines. For example,for humans and animals, we can make one of the eyes go in the crossings of the lines.
Taking the photos took a lot of time because it was hard to find good subjects. Once Mr. Fitz took us outside though, It was easier to find subjects.
I thought the rule of thirds would be easy, but it was pretty hard because my hand shakes a lot and I had to retake the photos multiple times so it came out perfectly. The rest of my pictures are here.
Light Graffiti
We took our photo’s in the gym and the camera was in bulb setting. If we wanted the person to be in the picture, we shined them in. Then we drew what they wanted around them. We kept accidental facing the camera away from the camera. It was super annoying when we had to redo a picture over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. Next time, we should get more colors for the pictures.
Here are the rest of my pics.
Light Portraits
- For this project our group went in front of the white background and we all took turns taking photo’s. Then when we finished we took the photo’s, got Mr. Fitz send the photos to us and then we edited it. What worked? It helped that Mr. Fitz showed us the background with the best lighting.What didn’t? Another group kept complaining that they wanted to use the background and so we let them use the good background and we went to another background. Unfortunately the photo’s we took in front of those did not come out good… so it took a lot of editing
The rest of my pics are here.
1 object 5 shots
For this project we had to take five photo’s of a object from angles most wouldn’t look from. We had to use 2 objects and 1 person. The challenging thing for me was to take 5 pics of a person. I couldn’t find anyone to help me out. This project helped me take photo’s from a cool new angle. These are my fave pics:
The rest of my pics are here.