Rule of Thirds

For this assignment, we had to use the grid on our phones, or camera to create the rule of thirds properly. The grid is created by 4 lines, 2 horizontal and 2 vertical. The 2 horizontal lines create thirds going sideways while the 2 vertical lines create thirds going vertically. These lines created 4 intersecting points, which are also the points that people focus on first. You wanted your focus objects of the photo to either take up 1/3, 2/3 or be on the intersecting points to create this project properly. The biggest challenge of this assignment was making sure I did it properly, because I couldn’t know if i did it properly since I am bias because I took the photo. To overcome this challenge, I asked other people what was the first thing they looked at in the photo, and if it matched up to what I was expecting, then I did it correctly. This project changed the way I take pictures because I realized, that the object that you want to focus on doesn’t need to be in the middle.

Link to all my other photos

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