Set In The Street

This project is about taking photos of events that seem to be occurring in one place, but the setting is actually in a different location. These people helped inspire this project, Justin Bettman and Carrie Mae Weems. The Photoshop tools I used in this project were the elliptical marquee and the curves tab. If I had to choose a place to take a picture that represents my family’s story, I would choose the Rocky Mountains because I was born in Colorado, and it is an important place to me. You would expect photos of mountains and nature from me. Here is a link to the rest of my photos.

Catch The Action

In this project I was tasked with taking photos of people or objects in motion. What helped me capture good images was rapidly taking pictures of the thing in motion (In this case I used my phone). My tip is that you have to make sure the object you are taking a picture of, is the main subject of the photo. If I could photograph a sport, I would choose basketball because it is a fun sport. You can find the rest of the photos I took here.