1 Object, 5 Shots

In this assignment I was tasked with taking 5 different photos of one object from different angles. One of the challenges of the project was finding different angles to get the pictures, as some objects don’t have much variety. The hardest object to photograph was a person because you need to find very clever angles to make the pictures seem different. This project helped me develop my creativity. You can find my pictures here.

24 Colors

In this assignment I was tasked with taking pictures of crayons, who’s colors matched their backgrounds. I had to try and get some very unique photos with changing angles. One of the struggles of this assignment was trying to find where to take the pictures. I struggled with certain colors, like peach, where I had to go outside just to find the right color. The easiest part of the assignment was finding simple colors like black and gray.

Check out the rest of my photos here.