Anika's Photography

Welcome to my photography site!

Macro Photos

In this project, we had to take pictures of Legos as if they were doing an action and we were a Lego taking a picture at their level. Some skills I carried on was using rule of thirds and changing up the angle I took pictures of. The hardest part of this project was finding a good spot to take a picture of them in because if the angle was different it may look like a regular sized human was taking the photo which wasn’t the objective of the project. If I had to take 5 more pictures, I would take them by the beach and by some place like Great Falls, or Niagara Falls. These places seem like a very unique place to take pictures of because for us the falls might seem like not that much, but for a Lego, it’ll feel like an ocean.

A day in the park.
On that boating life.
Bedtime stories.

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