Category: Uncategorized

7 Days

7 Days

     In 7 days we had to take 7 different photos of things we are thankful for.  I took a picture of my family because they got me through the hardest times, helped me at my worst, and loved me through everything.  I took a picture of food because it stops my starvation and when I’m sad it’s there.  Also, good food is good.  I am thankful for my friends because they stuck with me through thick and thin. I took a picture of my clothes because it was a way to express myself.  I’m thankful for my school because I have a good education.  I took a picture of where I live because I’m thankful I have a roof over my head, yeah, it might not be perfect but I love it.  I’m thankful for my health and that I’m healthy.  Those are 7 things I’m thankful for.  What are you thankful for?  Click here to see my pictures.

24 Crayons

24 Crayons

Hello my name is Ashley and this is my 24 crayons project.  The project was to get a pack of 24 crayons and takes pictures of the crayons with their matching color.  I would say finding a place to put the crayon was difficult and taking the picture was easy.  Well take a look at my 2 favorite pictures below.  If you want to see all 24 crayons, click here.

My Logo

My Logo

Hello my name is Ashley and the owner of Ashley’s Photography.  For most of the photos I need for classes I get them from the special and only, Google.  I never contact the owner of the picture because it’s free to anyone.  Yes, I do give credit to the owner’s picture sometimes.  If someone used my picture for their classes I expect some credit and to be used appropriately.  So my logo is of a camera with blocks piecing off of it.  I like the blocks to represent all of the photos that I have taken.  Then, I put Ashley’s Photography in the middle of the camera.  In my opinion thinking of the idea of my logo was hard and producing the logo was very easy.  Well thank you for reading about my logo and me!