Month: January 2019

#Pro Level

#Pro Level

This whole semester I learned so many new things about photography. 24 colors, I learned that it’s not that hard to find things that match with each other. 5 angles, I found out about angles that make you look tall or short. 7 days, I was giving my thanks to 7 things in my life. Action photos, I learned that a picture doesn’t have to be blurry to be in action. Black background, I learned how to take a good picture with everything behind you being black. Portraits with an infinite background, I learned how to get rid of these ugly squares and make a photo have just white in the background. Smile, people love to smile and it makes you feel happy seeing someone smile. Rule of thirds, I learned about the three lines. Those are the different projects we had, photography was full of finding ideas and enhancing its beauty in a picture. My thoughts have not changed on photography. No, I have not changed the way I take my pictures. My favorite project was light graffiti because we got to creat designs with glow sticks. Photography does not interest me as a career. Yes, I will continue learning about photography next year because it’s fun and you see different perspectives. Down below, is my favorite picture.

Getting Close

Getting Close

The point of this project was to take a picture of an object really close, you couldn’t zoom in. You had to capture all the little details. What worked really well with this project was taking pictures of raindrops because it was cool and easy. I tried taking pictures of leaves which was new. What didn’t work was zooming in because the picture would become blurry and weird. It wasn’t really hard to find subjects but there were times where I couldn’t find what to take pictures of. There were no issues with the camera.  If I had the equipment, time, and ability to get there, I would take a picture of a butterfly’s wings. Down below are my favorite pictures I took. If you want to see the rest of my pictures click here.

Processed with VSCO with f2 preset