Month: December 2018

Set in the Street

Set in the Street

Kitchen Table.  We had to take different photos of us doing an action at a kitchen table.  The photographers that were used for this project were Carrie Mee Weems and Justin Bettman. If you want to see their websites click their name.   The tools I used was the contrast of black and white, I used the oval marquee tool, feather, and inverse.  If I had to choose a place to tell my family’s story I would take it on the front steps of my grandma’s steps in El Salvador.  You would see a blue house, trees, and a whole lot of trees.  Click here to see the rest of my photos.

Catch the Action

Catch the Action

The point of the project was to take pictures of someone in action.  For example, you had to catch someone running or jumping.  I didn’t really do much but I added a filter to make it darker or lighter.  I also took a lot of pictures while the action was in process.  So then I could go back and choose one that really got the action.  I also wanted the background without people.  Let me give you some tips.  I suggest to take a lot of pictures not only one.  I suggest to get a good setting.  If I could picture someone playing soccer that would be great.  If you want to see the rest of my pictures, click here.