Month: January 2019

Last Project

Last Project

This whole semester has been an amazing time and experience. We took all kinds of photos with new and better editing techniques such as brightness and contrast in Photoshop. To be completely honest, at first when I signed up for photography I thought we would be given cameras and learn how to use it and take good photos. Little did I know we would be using our phones 24/7 (of course not counting the portraits). My thoughts have changed about photography greatly considering I never knew taking photos with your phone could have a technique as well. Now since our Rule of Thirds project, I kept the thirds grid on my phone to keep things straight. My favorite project has to go to the action because it was extremely fun to use the burst setting and catch incredible photos not only in rule of thirds, but like a moment stopped in time. Yes, photography does interest me as a career but, it won’t be enough unless I somehow out of a miracle get successful with just photography. If I’m not too busy with other classes and activities, yes I would take photography in high school. I couldn’t choose a favorite photo from the semester, but one of my favorites lies beneath. I’m sure tech ed will not be as exciting as photography.

Up Close

Up Close

For this task I had to take pictures of things up close to see their detail. In fact, sometimes, I found that the normal iPhone camera worked better than the VSCO macro mode. The first photo featured here is from the normal iPhone camera. What worked well was the things I could control. I tried to use VSCO which was new to me. My challenges were to find something that didn’t require me to so super close. It was difficult to go around the cold but the snow and frost were a good advantage. I felt that I expected more from the VSCO macro mode because when i tried to come close, it immediately blurred up. If I had the equipment, time, and ability to get someplace to take a close up photo, I would go to someplace with lots of nature like a lake, or forest. It would be interesting to actually see things from a close perspective. Find the rest of my photos here.

Set in the Street

Set in the Street

In this project, I set up a kitchen table scene in where we pose different themes and emotions to take pictures. This project was inspired by 2 artists named Justin Bettman and Carrie Mae Weems. Justin’s inspiration on this project was his “Set in the Street” where he set up scenes on the street to make it look like they were actually in that scene and for our case, a kitchen table. That brings me to Carrie Mae Weems where she took pictures at her actual kitchen table and with her family. We made a replica of that scene and put it “on the street” (in a hallway). To edit my photos, I used the black and white option and the brightness and contrast option in PhotoShop. If I had a place to tell my family’s story, I would choose our kitchen. The kitchen is where most of us love to be because we cook and bake a lot. The pictures would probably just be us cooking or baking.