Last Project

Last Project

This whole semester has been an amazing time and experience. We took all kinds of photos with new and better editing techniques such as brightness and contrast in Photoshop. To be completely honest, at first when I signed up for photography I thought we would be given cameras and learn how to use it and …

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Up Close

Up Close

For this task I had to take pictures of things up close to see their detail. In fact, sometimes, I found that the normal iPhone camera worked better than the VSCO macro mode. The first photo featured here is from the normal iPhone camera. What worked well was the things I could control. I tried …

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Set in the Street

Set in the Street

In this project, I set up a kitchen table scene in where we pose different themes and emotions to take pictures. This project was inspired by 2 artists named Justin Bettman and Carrie Mae Weems. Justin’s inspiration on this project was his “Set in the Street” where he set up scenes on the street to …

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In this project, we had to take photos of objects or people in action. For example, somebody jumping or and object falling. For most of my photos, I used the burst feature on my iPhone to help me get the picture fast enough. Some tips I would advise for others doing this project would be …

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Then I Asked Them To Smile.

Then I Asked Them To Smile.

Everything involved in this project was hard. I did not have the opportunity to take photos on the weekends because I did not have the possession of my phone for it was taken from me. I struggled to get photos in school because there were very little people roaming the hallways. Some didn’t want to. …

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Light Graffiti

Light Graffiti

In order for us to do the light graffiti, we turned off all the lights in the gym, and turned the camera setting to bold. We held down the camera button and drew something with lights. Some frustrations I had, was that we had to make sure that anything we were drawing made sense in …

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Rule of Thirds

Rule of Thirds

I thought that the person was easier to fit in the rule of thirds because they can move how you want. What didn’t work was most of the landscape. My thoughts on the rule of thirds can be good, or can be bad. I like how it kind of makes it a bit professional but …

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Portraits with an Infinite Background

Portraits with an Infinite Background

When taking the photos I put the shutter speed a little higher to let all the light come. We tried to shine the light on the backdrop and not the person in order to not take off parts of the face. The shutter speed worked but the lighting didn’t work because it was uneven.