Light Graffiti

In this project, we took photos using light. To take the pictures, we had to change the shutter speed and ISO on the camera. We put our camera on bulb mode so we could leave the shutter open for as long as we wanted. We put the ISO at 200. We held down the shutter button and moved the light around to make shapes. Something that worked well was using a light-up ice cube as the light in my pictures. Something that didn’t work well was trying to move the light in a rainbow formation because we kept overlapping the lights. It was frustrating when someone tried to take pictures and wasted our time. If I were to take this project to the next level, I would take pictures with steel wool on fire. Overall, I really liked this project.

Click here to see the rest of my photos.

Lego Photos

In this project, we took photos of Legos as if they were real people. I used techniques from other projects, like getting close to my subject and rule of thirds. Something that was challenging in this project was taking the photos from the Lego’s head height, like their friend was taking the picture of them. If I could take 5 more Lego photos, I would take pictures of Legos on the beach, Legos sleeping, Legos hiking, Legos dancing, and Legos getting married. I liked this project because it was fun to make up the scenes that the Legos were in.

Early morning gardening with pig.
Pig made a mess