Getting Close

During this project, we took pictures of objects up close. We held our camera close to the object instead of zooming in. Something that worked well for this project was using the app VSCO to take the pictures. VSCO has a setting that changes the focus of the camera, and that helped my focus on the subject. A challenge that I had was finding things to photograph. It was also hard to make the camera focus on the subject. I think that it would be cool to photograph a bee on a flower. Overall, I liked this project.

Click here to see the rest of my photos.

Action Photos

In this project, we took pictures of objects and people moving. For example, I took pictures of people jumping. For this project, I used burst mode on my phone. This let me take multiple photos at a time. A tip that I have for taking action photos is to take them outside, so the photos aren’t blurry. If I could photograph any sport, I would photograph swimming because the water moving would look really cool.

Click here to see the rest of my photos.

Framing Your Subject

In this project, we framed our subject using objects in and around the school. In this project, we placed our subject in the center of the picture, unlike in rule of thirds, where we put our subject in a place other than the center. A challenge that I had was figuring out what to frame my subject with and it was hard to center the photo.

This photo is my favorite because we never get to use the elevator at school, so it was fun to take this.

Click here to see the rest of my photos.