Rule of Thirds

In this project, we took pictures using the rule of thirds. Rule of thirds is when there is a grid, and your subject is on a line or intersection of the grid. This causes the viewers eye to travel throughout the picture instead of looking at one place. Something that was difficult for me was figuring out what to take pictures of. It was easy to put the subject on line or intersection of the grid.

In this photo, I put the eyes of the smiley face on the intersections of the grid.
In this photo, I put Madison on the left vertical line of the grid.

Click here to see the rest of my photos.

Portraits with an Infinite Background

In this project, we took pictures of each other on white and black backgrounds. We had to adjust the ISO, Shutter Speed, and F-Stop on the camera. When we took the photos, we had to make sure that there was no shadow in the background. When I edited my photos, I adjusted the curves so the backgrounds didn’t have shadows on them. Something that worked was holding the lamp behind the person that was in the picture. The ISO was hard to figure out because it was different for each person.

Click here to see my light background photos.

Click here to see my dark background photos.