7 Days

December 4, 2018 7 Days
This is Gabe. I am grateful for him because he is apart of my family, and he’s adorable.
This is a turkey. I am grateful for it because it gives me good vibes. However, it is the creepiest thing in the world, but it’s cool, so.
This is my mom. I am very grateful for her because she has provided me with everything that I have now, and she has supported me for ever.
This is my dad. Even though he has never really been in my life, I am still grateful for him because without him I wouldn’t be here.
This is my dog Lily. I am grateful for her because she is my first ever dog, and she means so much to me. 
This is google. I am grateful for google because when I feel dumb, I can go to it and get answers, which makes me feel dumber. But oh well it’s still really cool.
This is my friend Maiyah. I am grateful for her because she has issues like me, so we both get along. Also, I have known her since i was born, so we’re sort of like sisters.

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