Month: March 2019

Framing Your Subject

Framing Your Subject

For this project, we had to find things around us that could create a frame. It could have been people, shadows, etc. This project was different from the rule of thirds because in the rule of thirds, we had to use the grid to have an object the focus of the photo. However, for this project, we had to use the environment so the object in the picture is the focus. The only challenge of this project was probably the lighting. My favorite frame is the one of the dog because the people because I like how the people in the background helped frame the dog.

Click here to see more

Rule of Thirds

Rule of Thirds

The rule of thirds is a graph on a camera that helps you focus on an object which helps you create interesting pictures. What worked was putting the object/person where two lines crossed and what didn’t work was putting the object/person in the middle. I think that the rule of thirds is going to improve the way I take pictures of things.

Click here to see more photos!

White Background

White Background

To create an Infinite white background, we had to have a high ISO. It’s about taking pictures in a white background. Something that was difficult finding the correct ISO, and finding a correct angle so the shadow disappears. What was easy was posing posing and using the ISO when we found the correct one.

Click here to view the white background 🙂

Black Background

Black Background

For this project, we had to use the camera on manual mode and mess around with the ISO. The ISO had to be low to create an infinite black background. What didn´t work was having a light in a certain position because some of us wore glasses and it created a glare, but what did work were the angles the lights were placed.

Click here to view the Black Portraits