Light Graffiti

In this project we went to the gym and turned the lights off to make light graffiti. We had to set the camera to a low ISO and a long shutter speed in setting in order for the picture to work. We used the flashlights on our phones to draw with to make our pictures. so that the lines we drew weren’t all connected we had to cover or turn off the flashlight when we went to draw a new letter or a new object. One thing that took many tries was getting the main person in the picture to not be blurry. If the person moved even a little bit the picture would look blurry. Also if we left the camera open for to long, it would collect to much light and the picture would turn out very bright and seem like the lights were on. One thing that would advance these pictures is to come up with more ideas before hand so that we have a plan and can take better pictures.


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