Lego Pictures

In this project we had to take pictures of Lego people and make them look realistic. We were supposed to take portraits of the Lego’s doing an activity and also have the Lego’s tell a short story. This project was similar to the macro project because we had to focus on the Lego people similar to how we had to focus on objects. Lizzie and I used the different settings on VSCO to focus on the Lego’s. One challenging part of this project was coming up with places to put the Lego’s so that it looked like the things surrounding them were a realistic and proportional size instead of the Lego’s looking very tiny. If I could take more pictures I would take pictures of more Lego’s in the outdoors and come up with more ideas of where to put them.

Going for a Float
Boat in the Grass?
Poisonous Picnic

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