Rule of Thirds

The point of this project was to draw your eye to a certain object using the rule of thirds. When looking at the picture the point was to look at the things around your focal point that leads to the main object you are taking the picture of. One hard part of this project was lining up the objects with the lines and getting the picture to be straight up and down and not tilted. Also it didn’t work well when you stood against a wall because there was no where for your eye to travel. I thought this project would be fairly easy in the beginning, but once we started taking the pictures it was slightly harder then I thought. For example I wanted the person looking at the pictures eye to go directly to Lizzie. By using the rule of thirds I was able to put her in one third of the picture, and she stands out because she is the far right vertical line so when you are looking at the stairs it leads your eye straight to her. For the top picture I wanted your eye to go directly too the house, so I made the focus go to the house by doing the sky as two-thirds which leads your eye to the house that is at the bottom.

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