5 shots

Mr. Fitz made us take different pictures in different angles.  We were told to take pictures of people and objects. The people or objects had to stay in the same place but five pictures of the thing being photographed from five different angles. This project wasn’t necessaryly challenging but there were points where I couldnt get the picture at an angle that I wanted. None of it was hard to photograph becuase we had people and we were free to use any objects that we found. But this project made me mad, and by mad, I mean BIG MAD. This project helped me be stressed and make my blood pressure go up because the fact that I couldnt take the pictures exactly how I wanted really irritated me. Click here to see the rest of my work. If you don’t then youre lame. 

24 Crayons

We were given an assignment to take a piture of 24 different crayons where the crayon matched the background. This project is challenging because its hard to fine colors for the backgrounds that match. NOTHING ABOUT THIS WAS EASY. 

Answering my questions

If i need photos for my classes, i take them on my phone and then send them to my mcps md account. When I steal other peoples photos, i don’t contact them. Therefor, the pictures are stolen. I never give the owner of the picture credit because I hate giving people clout. If someone was using my images for a class project, I would expect from them as the owner of the image to pay me. My logo is just a camera because we are in photography class. Designing my logo was easy.