Rule of Thirds

We had to take pictures with the object/person in just one of the two sides or the rule of third grids of the camera grid. Rule of thirds helps to get very good and professional looking pictures. My thoughts did not change from the beginning of the project. The “lines” I used in my photos are grid lines on the camera that are also rule of third lines. They are one of the 9 boxes on the camera grid and if what is supposed to be the main focus of your picture is on one of the interception lines of the grid, the focus will be more defined and clear to see. I set up the shots so that the thing i wanted to focus on would be on one of the interception lines. To see the rest of my pictures click here.

Light Graffiti

We took out pictures by adjusting the camera settings so that the camera would only pick up movement of glowing flashlights and glowsticks, not people or anything in the background. Not having the timer set for the right amount of time did not work. The pictures would come out incomplete. The shapes we were trying to draw also have to be shaped/drawn correctly so that our picture actually made a scene instead of looking like just scribbles and random lines. However, the pictures worked and turned out nice when the timer was set for the right amount of time and everybody correctly outlined their shapes/objects. It was very frustrating to draw the object we needed to draw because there was nothing to draw and the air needed to be traced based on what the shape might look like. I think that this project could be taken to the next level if multiple people could be traced in a scene to make it look like an event was happening. To see the rest of my pictures click here

Infinite backgrounds

This assignment we had to take a picture in front of a background but also you can’t see the background. The white background needed more light for the picture so we had to adjust the settings to fit that. The pictures with the dark background needed less light in the background so we used a setting that didn’t capture as much light. Holding the light up higher was easier to capture the right amount of light in the picture. Pointing the light right at my face was not good because there was shadow in the background. To see the rest of the groups photos click here 

5 shots

Mr. Fitz made us take different pictures in different angles.  We were told to take pictures of people and objects. The people or objects had to stay in the same place but five pictures of the thing being photographed from five different angles. This project wasn’t necessaryly challenging but there were points where I couldnt get the picture at an angle that I wanted. None of it was hard to photograph becuase we had people and we were free to use any objects that we found. But this project made me mad, and by mad, I mean BIG MAD. This project helped me be stressed and make my blood pressure go up because the fact that I couldnt take the pictures exactly how I wanted really irritated me. Click here to see the rest of my work. If you don’t then youre lame.