Light graffiti!

This is the picture that I decided to post, order to get this picture you have to have a camera and have the ISO to 100 the shutter speed has to have 8 to 15 sec. Something that really worked in this project was seeing the light in the camera and no other light showing. Something that was not so easy about this project was making the perfect drawing to show. We did have some frustrations of someone in our group kept walking in the background while one person was making there art. One thing that is important to have is keeping the ISO high like 100 or 200. Click here to see the rest of the whole group photos!

Lego Portraits!

This project was so fun it’s basically about that you take mini action figures like Legos and take photos of them like if it was there point of view. some skills I used for this project from previous projects was angles and blur from the background. Something challenge for this project was building some things for the scene. If I would have to take more pictures then what I did I would probably take photos of the Lego people doing in camping. To see rest of my photos click here!

Close up!

This project was fun all you had to do was take photos of something up close! Something that worked well in this project was finding something to take a picture. But something difficult about this project was focusing on the thing for it can not come out blurry. I would like to take a picture of a big leaf with rain drops on it,if I had the time to do it.Overall this project was fun to take photos up close! Click Here to see the rest of my photos!